Staten Island Ferry Service Curtailed
Staten Island, NY
Wednesday, August 03, 2022
Photographs by:
Mary DiBiase Blaich
On Wednesday , August 03, 2022., service on the Staten Island Ferry came to a massive delay as most Ferry employees did not show up for work. The DOT issued an alert that there was almost no service. The city was trying to get more buses into the City to alleviate the problem, and utilized the Fast Ferry. The Fast Ferry changed its service to operate from St George in Staten Island into the Battery, suspending regular service for the night to accommodate the passengers left stranded by the SI Ferry interruption. As of 7 pm, no SI Ferry was operating and most of the vessels were docked in Staten Island. Inside the terminal, passengers were told the service would be once an hour. Massive crowds disembarked the Fast Ferry, way more than the usual 90 passengers they usually accommodate. Passengers waited in the St George Terminal hoping to eventually get a ride into the city, while at the Fast Ferry, passengers arriving into Staten Island arrived in huge crowds.